网上柏林 > 反馈间 > 日本佐藤研先生的来信

日本 佐藤 研 先生的来信


Dear Master Ming Hai,

I am one of the Japanese members out of the internationally colored teachers of the

Sanbokyodan Zen group that recently visited your Bailin Chan Temple .

Herewith I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the superb time we all thoroughly enjoyed at your temple. Your friendliness knew no boundry, and we were utterly moved to witness such perfect hospitality as you extended to us. Deeply permeated by the living spirit of Master Chau Chou, we could have the very best time out of our itenerary.

It was also wonderful that, with your consent and supervision, the book "Gateless Gate" by our Yamada Koun Roshi will be translated into Chinese by Prof. Chau. I, on my side, am ready to do whatever I could to complete this scheme. May this be a wonderful step for coming to ever deeper mutual unterstanding and appreciation in Zen!

We are already hoping to return to your place in the near future, but it would be also wonderful if we could welcome you in Japan . May your important everyday work be carried out in profound blessing from all Buddhas and Patriarchs! Please send my best regards to Master Jing Hui, and to the fellows monks at your office.

Truly yours,

佐藤 研/ SATO Migaku

〒 183-0041 日本国東京都府中市北山町 3-21-27

Kitayama-cho 3-21-27

Fuchu City , Tokyo 183-0041/Japan

Tel/Fax: +81-(0)42-573-5213

Email: sato-mig@nifty.com


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